VLC - Virtual Learning Commons
Just as we now have a physical Learning Commons (formerly known as the Library) we now have a Virtual one. It is located at http://vlc.ucdsb.ca
The virtual Learning commons is a place for students and teachers and parents to Discover, Collaborate and Create.
We Discover books, websites, research databases, help with homework, cool software and a whole lot more.
We Collaborate by posting comments, talking to other students on discussion boards, taking online polls.
We Create with cool software, sending us your projects, and pictures, telling us about books you like and more.
We have grade specific sections (elementary students-K-6; and secondary 7-12 homepages) with subject guides for each grade section!! Each subject guide was created by a Learning Commons Informationistwith the Ontario Curriculum as a guide. We also have Student SuccessTips, Health & Wellness, Online Homework help, Book Clubs, Tech Talk, Cool Software & Tips, Discussion boards, Videos, Podcasts, and Blogs, you name it we got it, there is something for every one.
The Learning Commons Informationists have researched all the web sites, sifted through hundreds of sites, thousands of pieces of information, and brought it to you all in one place, The VLC!