Welcome to Laggan Public School. Our school is located just a short drive north of the town of Alexandria, in Eastern Ontario. We are a rural school known for our academic excellence. Starting in Kindergarten, we offer both French Immersion and Core French programming; servicing our bilingual community. Our students enjoy quality learning opportunities in math, science, languages, health and physical education, and the arts.
Our school team is committed to fostering a school culture focused on student achievement, belonging, high expectations, collaboration, good character, community, and wellness. We strongly believe in the act of Kindness and promote this throughout our school culture.
We have a strong partnership with our families, parents, and community members. These partnerships are important in helping our children reach their fullest potential academically, physically, socially, and emotionally.
I feel very fortunate to be the principal at this school and I look forward to working closely with our parent community and with all of our staff in order to provide the best opportunity for our students to achieve success. Parents are an important part of our school team; I encourage you to see yourselves as active partners in our learning community.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call or email me at lianne.hughes@ucdsb.on.ca.
Our Family Welcomes Yours!
Lianne Hughes